Author Archives: Mike Tuffrey


Welcome to my website and occasional blog. I’m Mike Tuffrey.  After a varied career, I’m now active as a non-executive director and adviser on business, government and sustainability. Based in London, I’ve combined work across all three sectors over the … Continue reading

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May Monthly Briefing: Greenwashing – redefining an age-old problem

Way back in the early days of non-financial reporting, I used to have my own unofficial sniff test – a quick count of the number of photos showing outsized donation cheques and random smiling children to illustrate supposedly fundamental action. … Continue reading

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April Monthly Briefing: Transition planning

This month we are focusing on transition planning.  That’s timely as the body tasked by the UK government with issuing guidance has just published its final set of advice. There’s now a pretty comprehensive resource bank for companies and investors wanting to … Continue reading

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March Monthly Briefing: Digitalisation

We continue our monthly look at topics of importance for people moving their businesses onto a more sustainable and responsible path.  Few issues have more buzz right now than artificial intelligence. If 2023 was the year everyone seemingly started wondering … Continue reading

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February Monthly Briefing: Mitigating business risks 

We kick off this year’s regular monthly focus on actions businesses can take to be more sustainable, by looking at risk. Time to put on a metaphorical hard hat. From where I sit, the outlook is intensely depressing, whether in … Continue reading

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December Monthly Briefing: Regenerative Business Models

Our year examining priority Actions for Business ends this month with a look at alternatives to the traditional economic model of take-make-waste, then repeat. Of all the topics we’ve addressed, this is the one where, for me at least, the … Continue reading

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November Monthly Briefing: Natural Capital

With COP28 fast approaching as I write this, all eyes are on climate. So you might wonder why this month we’re focusing on nature. No surprise, really, as in Actions for Business, we try to think a few steps ahead – … Continue reading

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October Monthly Briefing: ESG in an Economic Downturn

This month we’re taking a timely look at the implications of current economic headwinds on ambitions for responsible and sustainable business. Timely not least because the UK government is citing the same concerns, as it rows back on the previously … Continue reading

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September Monthly Briefing: Embed & Measure S in E Strategies

This month we’re looking at how social and environmental factors can align and reinforce each other. Such win-win outcomes have long been at the heart of the sustainability and responsible business agendas – the proposition that it’s not a binary … Continue reading

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July Monthly Briefing: Heightened Focus on Human & Labour Rights

Our focus this month is on human and labour rights – earlier this year our forward-looking Actions for Business report anticipated growing interest in the topic. This has proved timely, given the evident challenges in switching to a “green tech” future at … Continue reading

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